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Account will be verified once you have products approved and payoneer is linked on the platform through your onboarding specialist.

To link payoneer just enter to Settings – Your profile and on the tab “Payment method” click on registered to create and account or just log in if you already have an account with them.

In the Seller Center, select Holiday mode on Settings in “Your profile” section.

Sure just contact your onboarding specialist in order to create other access for you

Send us your request through the email: with the reasons for deactivating your Seller Center account.

Yes. You can manage your account user´s as required from the “Manage users” section of the “Your Profile” tab of Seller Center, you will see the user’s registered email, the assigned role, the status and in the actions column You can choose to deactivate, reactivate or delete the user. 
Remember that depending on the role you assign, they are the access permissions you have in your Seller Center account.