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FBL Benefits:

FBL Benefits:

Fulfillment by Linio is the method in which we offer our sellers storing, picking and packing solutions for your products together with shipping your orders while also handling returns and exchanges.

FBL gives you flexibility; you will save time by eliminating operational tasks, so that you can focus on your business strategy. We will take care of all operative matters and handling Customer Service guaranteeing a level of service which can result in a sales increase for your company. 

Your only responsibility will be to deliver your merchandise to our WH in Miami and we will deal with the rest!

  • Faster delivery to local markets by reducing the time required order processing
  • Express delivery” option for reaching final consumers in each market within 5 days from USA
  • Leverage sales through product/brand awareness in Latam
  • Positioning of products in campaigns helping obtain enhanced traffic and visibility on our site
  • Work with trusted logistics providers, reliable service and tracking for all your orders

Try FBL and get first time benefits:

  • Greater visibility by being part of each international commercial campaign
  • Free credits for Sponsored Products ads
  • FBL products are considered for evaluation of deals that participate in CMR sales (Customer loyalty program)

  *Depending on the commercial budget