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When you receive an Order, a Cancellation, or a Return, an automatic email will be sent to the registered users on your Seller Center account, depending ont the user type.

The emails that are sent are:

  • New Order
  • Cancelled Order
  • Returned order
  • First Shipped Order
  • First Created Product
  • First Visible Product
  • FBL Stock Alert


Configure Automatic Mails

1. Access to Seller Center and go to the Settings tab.

2. Click on Communication Preferences.

3. Search for the email that you want to configure.

4. Click on Edit Preferences.

5. Click on the Name checkbox to activate or deactivate their mailing. 

6. Click on Save to apply all changes.



The most important Announcements are displayed on the Announcement sectionThis section is found on the Seller Center Main Page. If you click over a titleyou’ll view the Announcement. 



Linio informs Selers about important subjects like new processes and account changes via Newsletters. These Newsletters are sent to the emails of active users with a Full Access profile.


Linio will send you Announcements and Newsletters with the domain, or by the following remitters:

Seller Survey

Your opinion allows us to improve. Periodically, pop-ups will appear asking about your experience on the platform. Please answer this survey conscientiously, and add the necessary comments so we can take them and improve based on this.