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Operational Score

Operational Score (OPS) is a score granted to your Operation. It’s calculated based on the percentage of cancelations, returns, and On-time Deliveries. This score goes from 0 to 4 points. The OPS is placed on the Seller Center Main Page, in the yellow section. Only you can see it.

Product Client Review

These are opinions and scores granted by Costumers to the Products you sell. Generally, these reviews are about the Product’s functionality, chararectistics, and quality. All users at Linio can add these reviews, wether it has or hasn’t bought the Product. The Product Score is rated from one to five stars, whereas one star is equal to “I didn’t like it” and five stars is equal to “I loved it”. The Costumer can add comments and give its opion.

This score is displayed on the Product page, on the end of the description. It can be seen by any user who enters the page.


Seller Client Review

This is the Score and the opinions that Costumers give to you. Gennerally, these opinions are about the quality of your operation and service. Only Linio users who have bought your Products can rate you. The Seller Score is rated from one to five Stars, whereas one star is equal to “I didn’t like it” and five stars is equal to “I loved it”. The Costumer can add comments and give its opion.

This score is seen on your Seller page in Linio, next to your Product Catalog . It can be seen by any user who enters the page.

How to calculate the Operational Score

If you are an international sellers, Your indicators and rating will be calculated as follows.

How the percentage of my opetariong indicators is calculated?

Indicator premises


  • Only considerate returns where seller is responsible.
  • If seller has less than 10 items delivered, only obtains 1 point.


  • Percentage of orders cancelled by sellers.​
  • If seller has less tan 10 Items Exported, obtains only 1 point.


  • Sellers average evaluation onsite.
  • If seller does not have evaluation, obtains 2 points (neutral seller).
¿How is calculated my operational rating?

The operational rating ranges from 1 to 5 points and reflects the performance of your operations, where the best rating is 5 and 1 is the worst. It is calculated taking in account the opreational indicators. Here is how the measurement its done 1. Each indicator will have a rating ranging between 1 to 5 point, this rating will be assigned according to the porcentaje(%) obtained in the calculation of the kpi, according the following Kpis and ranges:

  • Returns: Amount of products returned by our clients, considering only cases in which we can associate responsibility to our sellers.
  • Shipping on Time: How many orders are delivered on the agreed timeframe (from sellers to couriers).
  • Cancellations: Amount of orders canceled which are associated to our sellers responsibility.
  • Site Score: Average score of our sellers onsite evaluations.

Sellers will be divided in the following tiers:

It is worth mentioning that this operational score is for purely internal uses, in the future there will be benefits for our sellers, depending on the tier in which it is located.